Individual Therapy

2141236409Life presents Many Challenges.

We are all faced with different challenges and opportunities as our lives develop and progress throughout the lifespan.

Complex issues related to your professional and personal identity, relationships with important people, and with yourself affect decisions you make related to how much you give and take, who to share your life with, and how to best deal with disappointment, stress, loss, and the anxiety that inevitably accompanies life’s challenges.

2343195657Individual Therapy is YOUR Time for Exploration.

As we work together, we will review and reflect on your current life choices and changes you would like to make in the future.

The one-on-one sessions, which can be revelatory, focus on your thoughts, feelings, and behavior and how they interact to shape your internal experience of yourself.

You suddenly understand how you arrived at this current place in your life, providing a clearer sense of the path forward and how to get there.

Identifying personal and professional goals, relationship priorities, and internal motivations increases self-awareness and confidence and reduces fear.

Gain Insight and Understanding.

This time allows you to express your thoughts and feelings as we focus on finding solutions.

With increased self-confidence, my clients can generally make better decisions for themselves, whether in their career or their love life, which leads to greater satisfaction and success.

Through individual therapy, I offer support as you navigate life’s many challenges. Contact me today for more information on how I can help.